A new poll found that 85 percent of Americans are worried about potential changes to Social Security benefits.
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey confirms this trend. In 2023, the latest data available, ...
Making mortgages easy and affordable helped lead to the baby boom. It could be a lesson for today.
Titled “the luckiest generation” of all time, Baby Boomers inherited the strongest economy in United States history, along with its strongest labor protections and a wave of expanding human ...
These effects are large enough to explain most of trend inflation. For instance, the baby boomers increased inflation by an estimated 6 percentage points in the United States between 1955 and 1975 and ...
Millennials said they'd never be like their baby boomer parents. But from their wealth to their suburban homes, they're not ...
Ronald Reagan came along, and we sold out to Republican politics, never looking back. We Boomers are the last generation to carve out a better life than our parents. Need a break? Play the USA ...
Baby boomers looking to invest in stocks should consider Warren Buffett's dividend picks. These four offer growth and passive ...
As Baby Boomers transition into retirement ... Justin served three years in the United States Peace Corps, living in a rural coffee farming community in Honduras. This experience not only enriched ...
The report was based on data from a survey conducted in January 2017 of 1,000 Millennials (age 18-34), Gen Xers (age 34-54), and Baby Boomers (age 55+) in the United States. Some of 65% of Gen Xers as ...
In the 1930s to early 1940s, new births in the United States averaged 2.3 to 2.8 million annually. In 1946, the first year of the post-war baby boom, new births spiked to 3.47 million. New births ...