The seeds are a source of oil ... and providing market linkages for baobab products. Promoting sustainable harvesting techniques, like leaving enough fruit for regeneration, will protect the ...
the flowers are used to make glue and its seeds are used to make ink. 4. They have ugly but highly nutritious fruit Baobab fruits contain more vitamin C than oranges, as well as being a great ...
Seeds from 19 species ... Among the trees selected were the baobab (Adansonia digitata), which people in several African countries prize for its edible fruit and leaves, and the incredibly ...
Baobab fruit is prized for its many nutritional benefits ... reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Its seeds are used to produce an oil that is rich in fatty ...
Baobab powder from dried and ground fruit is rich in Vitamin C and fibres, while baobab seed oil is used in cosmetic products. Local communities utilise baobab stem fibres for making rope ...