We don’t know how this is going to play out, but Damian uniting with the man responsible for Alfred’s death, as well as the ...
Batman has been fighting crime in Gotham City for decades, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Is Gotham City ...
We’ve seen some truly amazing moments throughout the Batman films, with several delivering a raised level of physicality and at times brutality along the way. Ben Affleck’s Batman and Robert Pattinson ...
Batman is an icon. There’s really no other way to look at the character. One night, in Crime Alley, Bruce Wayne closed his ...
As a life-long Batman fan it was hard for me to come to the realization that a new Batman film was coming out in 2022. ...
He’s just a bloke with a costume. It’s not just that Batman’s fighting crime, it appears as if he’s CONSTANTLY fighting crime. The city of Gotham is infested with supervillains and there ...
Tim Drake applies for the role of Robin to help Batman and becomes the most loyal and talented Robin in DC history. Dick Grayson, the first Robin, sets the standard and becomes Nightwing ...
With this issue, Scott Snyder wraps up the first arc of his wildly popular Absolute Batman series. DC has to be happy with how the entire Absolute line has been turning out, but this title ...
In episode #2114 of The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast, movie director Zack Snyder discussed how the ratings board compromised his film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. During a ...
You guys are out of your damn minds.” You may hear “Batman fighting yakuza” and think it sounds like a badass crime drama, but this is not that. And it’s all the better for it. Batman ...
This direct sequel to 2018's Batman Ninja is chock-full of laughs for those in the know. A Batanime, if you will.