Here are some examples of animals that may have consciousness: For years, researchers have used the mirror test to determine ...
who may not appreciate the sounds and smells of animals, or may be fearful of bees or allergic to bee stings. Animal agriculture seems to be the area of urban farming where community conflict is most ...
Bees can cause a lot of havoc and are a problem if you’re allergic to them. Here we have 8 smells that bees absolutely hate.
The latest review article from the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) in Portugal opens ...
Let’s get to the bottom of this – Do Bumble Bees String? In this article we will learn About Bumble Bee Stings And their behaviour. At some point, everyone wonders about the buzz of Bumble Bees. They ...
If you want to help boost your bee population, you have many options at different effort levels and price points.
Pollinators are insects or animals that transfer pollen between female and male flower parts. Common pollinators include butterflies, birds, and bats. The most important pollinator in our ecosystems ...
Honey bee colonies in the U.S. are projected to decline by up to 70% in 2025, entomologists at Washington State University ...
Washington State University entomologists announced this week that commercial honey bee colony losses are projected to reach between 60% and 70% in 2025.
Regular readers of this column will know that, in general, I struggle to muster much affection for non-native species, ...