Since so little is understood about this whale species, researchers like O’Corry-Crowe and his colleagues are working diligently to conduct studies to document narwhals’ unknown behaviors to ...
SEATTLE (AP) — A pod of orcas swam close to shore and amazed onlookers in Seattle on Sunday by treating the whale watchers to the rare sight of the apex predators hunting a bird. The pod of Bigg ...
A dead whale is washed up on the Delaware River near Pigeon Point, just north of Delaware Memorial Bridge. Ritter Dragonfly Dronography's Dale Ritter captured images of the animal Sunday morning ...
Aquariums in the United States are full of life, color, and beauty. But the best aquariums don't just put some of the world's rarest, most intriguing, and majestical water-loving creatures within ...
A whale-watching boat captain in Monterey, Calif., captured footage of a "super pod" consisting of over 2,000 dolphins swimming in the sea Charlotte Phillipp is a Weekend Writer-Reporter at PEOPLE.
A pair of endangered North Atlantic right whales have finally been spotted again off Florida's west coast, and the good news is the right whales appear to be headed back to the right ocean.
Not only is this destination home to breathtaking beaches and ocean views, but it is also known as the dolphin and whale watching capital of the world, as thousands of gray whales migrate along Dana ...