READ MORE: Judge Christine Hortick says she’ll take fight over Bexar County rules to Texas Supreme Court Her superiors, Judge Jacqueline “Jackie” Valdés, the local administrative judge, and ...
Michele Carew has been appointed as the new Bexar County elections administrator, succeeding Jacque Callanen, who served for ...
Newly-appointed Bexar County Elections Administrator Michele Carew outlines her vision for the department, bringing ideas of ...
Texas wants to be the new Delaware for corporate law. With the launch of the Texas Business Court, the Lone Star State is ...
Michele Carew started work as Bexar County's new elections boss on Monday saying she was undaunted by the fast-approaching ...
SAN ANTONIO - Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai encourages support for the Alamo Statewide Stampede.Bexar County Judge Peter ...
A Bexar County judge granted a final reset in the capital murder trial of Taymor McIntyre, pushing jury selection to March 31. Testimony is set to begin April 1.
All Bexar County District Court Judge Christine Hortick wants to do is hear cases from start to finish. This is how the justice systems works nearly everywhere else in Texas and beyond.
Michele Carew, the new Bexar County elections administrator, said she wants upgrades to technology, including to the election ...
The courthouse, which is a city, state, and national historic landmark, has been added to or remodeled in 1914, 1926, 1963, ...
Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai called the letter of recommendation Carew had received from the Hood County judge "glowing." Carew beat out over 200 candidates for the job, including some internal ...
Genesis Garcia’s neighborhood, located near the Bexar and Atascosa County lines, was in the path of Tuesday's destructive ...