These stories are a small sample suggesting that there are, indeed, “angels” living among us. We only need to open our eyes to see them. And we can try our best to be them for others.
Angels, like us, are finite ... appears throughout Acts (among other books), and the “sons of God” (Job 1). Only three angels are specifically identified in the Bible as having names: Gabriel ...
But is that really how the authors of the Bible imagined them? In recent years, the internet has begged to disagree—and the term “biblically accurate angels” entered the chat. According to ...
A messenger can be human, but angelos in the Bible ... us that awe can be disruptive. Awe and wonder refuse to be contained by our categories and transcend our logic. In this, they are a bit like ...
Grammy-nominated songwriter Don Goodman and country singer Becky Hobbs wrote “Angels Among Us” for the popular country band Alabama, who recorded it on their 1993 Cheap Seats album.