Baleage preserves the quality of winter fodder on the farm, but calls to improve farm plastic recycling rates or solve the ...
Seaweed-based edible sachets are revolutionizing packaging, allowing you to enjoy your ketchup without contributing to ...
Over 98% of local self-government bodies in Kerala achieve zero waste status, exceeding 80% progress in government guidelines ...
Explore Japan's Newly Discovered Biodegradable Plastic, Its Features, How It Works, and Its Environmental Benefits in ...
Scientists have been perfecting plant-based plastics for medical devices — allowing for medical plastic products that are ...
If you’re looking for some budget-friendly ways to tend to your garden this spring, the answer might be in your hands right ...
It used to be banana leaves, corn husk, even animal hide. Modern alternatives can be a confusing array. Where did they come from? How does one pick?
[ombates] shares a step-by-step method for making a conductive bio-string from scratch, no fancy equipment required. She ...
KOCHI: Giving a boost to effective waste management in the city, the construction of the compressed biogas plant (CBG) at the ...
Utica will begin green waste pickup throughout the city starting next month. Beginning in mid-April to mid-May, Utica ...
Yard waste collection in Hermitage will take place as part of your normal curbside collection on a weekly basis starting the week of April 14 and ending the ...
A project exploring the use of cotton to create bricks is included in this school show presenting paludiculture research from ...