一、前言:姗姗来迟的锐龙9000中流砥柱 AMD锐龙9000系列发布以来,各家的X870/X870E系列主板都早已部署完毕,逐渐开始向主流中端市场靠拢,B850主板逐渐丰富起来,都有着不错的性价比。 快科技今天为大家带来的主板评测,就是历代AMD系列主流主板的中流砥柱,微星迫击炮系列,全称 MAG B850M MORTAR WIFI(以下简称B850M迫击炮)。 先简单介绍一下这块主板,就如名字一 ...
Learn how to identify signs of CPU degradation, run free stability tests, and determine if your CPU is dying or simply needs a BIOS update.
ASRock cleaned up and removed debris from a customer's failed ASRock AM5 motherboard. Despite clear signs of socket damage, ...