You may have heard that some birth control methods are linked to cancer. If you spend some time online, you'll probably find more than a handful of contradicting reports saying some types cause cancer ...
Today, Remedy Entertainment released a new update for Control: Ultimate Edition's PC version. Among all the great-sounding fixes, patches, and enhancements, the highlight of this free content ...
Some include: It doesn’t matter how effective a birth control method looks on paper ... including the pill, the patch, or the vaginal ring. They can be removed at any time if you want ...
Nonhormonal birth control prevents pregnancy without affecting your hormones. The types of nonhormonal birth control include copper IUDs, barrier methods, spermicide, and natural family planning.
These IUDs are effective for three to eight years, depending on which brand is used. The copper IUD (Paragard ... Patches use both estrogen and progestin (as combined birth control pills do). A patch ...
However, just because one brand works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. It’s not uncommon for people to change the types or doses of birth control pills several times before ...
“While our timeframes have shifted slightly, I want to assure people that Pharmac remains committed to exploring options to ensure more than one brand of patch will be available. We want to make ...
Birth control provides benefits to millions of people and to our society. But some people in Oklahoma want to limit access. While the debates frequently touch on morality or ethics, people often ...
This petition, which lobbies for more birth control options and better coverage, should be taken seriously by the University. The Eagle is very happy to see that the Student Health Center added two ...