Jackalopes are horned rabbits that have allegedly been spotted across the American West for centuries — but are they real?
Bidding on collectibles is one thing, but the five auctions below offered items you won’t find on eBay.Ronald Reagan’s Blood In May 2012, a collector put a sample of Ronald Reagan’s blood on the ...
But panic about satanic rituals has a long and strange history stretching back almost a millennium. Expect toads, horny cats, and rumours of ritual giraffe slaughters - and you'll only be about ...
Nearly 50 years since this man-made platform split from the United Kingdom, Sealand is still going strong. Check out some of its weird and wonderful history here.
The fort's main access to the rest of the world is by boats — which then have to be lifted up onto the top platform. There's also a helicopter platform. Despite the harsh exterior, the inside is ...
From Fawlty Towers to ‘rawdogging’ – the bizarre history of in-flight entertainment 100 years ago, the first film was shown in the air. How do airlines choose what to show – and what does ...