Calculating Dilution: A general rule of thumb for a standard disinfecting solution is to mix 1/3 cup of regular household bleach (5.25% concentration) with 1 gallon of water. For concentrated ...
Household bleach reacts with a solution of green food coloring to first oxidize the yellow component of the dye, leaving only the blue coloring. Eventually, the blue dye is also oxidized, and the ...
Make a disinfectant solution by pouring 1oz. house bleach to 10 oz. of water. This will give you a 1 to 10 ratio of chlorine disinfectant. As you enter the spill area, be careful not to step in any ...
To prepare bleach as a disinfectant for use in a biological materials spill, it is best to work with a fresh solution: The diluted solution should be labeled and dated with the preparation and ...