Richland School District Two’s R2 Ready to Read program is making a big impact by providing Pre-K through second-grade students with books to build their home libraries — one donation at a time.
Just over half of women and 40% of men read a book in 2022, but just 29.5% of men read fiction, compared to 49.2% of women.
The romantic story of the Welsh people who settled in Patagonia over a century ago is challenged in a new book, revealing a ...
Cumberland Council has officially appointed Krol Corlett Construction Limited as the lead contractor for the £3.
Sixty years after he first began serializing it in the Yiddish press, and 42 years after publisher Alfred A. Knopf acquired ...
A group from Rotary Club of Aiken visited every classroom at East Aiken School of the Arts on May 26 and gave a new book to ...
Penguin Random House's general counsel Dan Novack said: "Realistically this school year, the books should be back and probably going into next school year as well.” ...
The Shanac deposit at Strickland Metals’ Rogozna gold-base metal project in Serbia now hosts 5.3m gold equivalent ounces at 1 ...
There's studying history from a book, and then there's walking where that history took place. That's what St. Philip's School ...
Iowa cannot, for now, continue to enforce part of its book ban law, a federal judge said Tuesday, giving major publishers ...