Richland School District Two’s R2 Ready to Read program is making a big impact by providing Pre-K through second-grade students with books to build their home libraries — one donation at a time.
Just over half of women and 40% of men read a book in 2022, but just 29.5% of men read fiction, compared to 49.2% of women.
Sixty years after he first began serializing it in the Yiddish press, and 42 years after publisher Alfred A. Knopf acquired ...
A group from Rotary Club of Aiken visited every classroom at East Aiken School of the Arts on May 26 and gave a new book to ...
Penguin Random House's general counsel Dan Novack said: "Realistically this school year, the books should be back and probably going into next school year as well.” ...
There's studying history from a book, and then there's walking where that history took place. That's what St. Philip's School ...
Andrew Champagne's top 20 contenders for the 2025 Kentucky Derby following the Louisiana Derby and Jeff Ruby Steaks ...
If Shulamith Firestone’s last work haunts the feminist movement, it may be because it suggests something disturbing about ...
The new decision from U.S. District Judge Stephen Locher once again temporarily blocks a part of the law that bars school ...
For the second time, U.S. District Judge Stephen Locher found an Iowa law limiting what books schools can offer likely ...