HELENA – The Helena City Council honored and recognized the city’s newest Eagle Scout at its regularly scheduled council meeting on Monday, March 10 at Helena City Hall. During the meeting the ...
A day care worker is accused of intentionally pulling out the hair of a 1-year-old child, police say. Unsplash via Aaron Burden A day care worker accused of intentionally pulling out a handful of ...
Logan Hamma, center, recently built 10 Wood Duck houses in Hancock County, Illinois en route to earning the rank of Eagle Scout. From left ... Parvuli Dei and Light of Christ emblems. He has a quiet ...
Photo provided Lafayette Boy Scout Troop 204 will honor 13 young men who have achieved the Eagle Scout Award, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America from 1:30 to 4 p.m. March 15 at the ...
I have a friend who worked in the first Trump administration who really admired the ancient virtue magnanimity (which is different from the modern definition, generosity). I thought that was odd since ...
HUNTSVILLE, Ark. — More than two decades ago, a Boy Scout Eagle project led to the construction of a small walking bridge over Bear Hollow Creek in Huntsville at the Ozark Natural Science Center.
PENINSULA — More than 300 scouts and 150 adult leaders participated in the 2025 Soaring Eagle Klondike, Feb. 15 at Camp Manatoc in Peninsula. Using teamwork, leadership and outdoor skills ...
He recently took part in a ceremony where 56 Boy Scouts throughout the region were honored as Eagle Scouts, which is the highest honor a scout can receive, two of whom were from his Troop 59.
The Great Smoky Mountain Council is partnering with the American Eagle Foundation. U.S. Is Added to Human Rights Watchlist JP Morgan makes bold prediction for Social Security and retirement FOX ...