Brad Pitt was recently spotted for the first time since officially finalizing his lengthy divorce from Angelina Jolie.
Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are still at war with each other as they head to court to settle a lawsuit over their French winery that they purchased together ...
(外电讯)近年全球诈欺案件不断上升,轻则被骗钱,重则连家庭都赔上。日前,有一名法国女子在社媒认识一名假冒好莱坞巨星Brad Pitt(布莱德毕特)的骗徒,之后还坠入骗徒情网,不只被骗83万欧元(约117万新元),还因此与富豪老公离婚收场。 外媒 ...