The study, "Sex-Specific Alternations of Kyneurenine Pathway in Association with Risk ... it can take two routes in the brain: one that produces neuroprotective (brain-protecting) chemicals ...
Rejuvenating the brain's lymphatic vessels can enhance memory in aging mice by improving the removal of waste products from ...
Humans have unique brain connections affecting emotions, social intelligence, and language, unlike chimpanzees or macaques.
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) King’s College London has shown that a biological brain mechanism called the ‘kynurenine pathway’ is imbalanced in ...
An imbalance in ligands, which are molecules produced by the body and the gut microbiota, can affect a key receptor protein ...
By mining large datasets of human brain metabolic pathways and gene expression in young and older brains, and modeling how age-related changes affect neuronal excitability, a comprehensive new model ...
But on the bright side, your brain is remarkably adaptable—neuroscientists call this neuroplasticity—and you can literally ...