The eldest son of Edmund I, and great-grandson to Alfred the Great, Eadwig became king of England from late 955. He likely would have been around 15 years of age – and according to accounts, his rule ...
LONDON, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Anglo American (AAL.L), opens new tab posted a $3.1 billion loss on Thursday after a writedown of its De Beers diamond business, as it presses on with shedding unwanted ...
The silver penny brooch dates to the end of the reign of the last Anglo-Saxon king, says an expert. The items will form part of an exhibition that will be held at a museum in Scunthorpe.
The palace said the original was thought to date back to the 11th-century royal saint, Edward the Confessor, who was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. Meanwhile, Queen Camilla will wear Queen ...