Powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, the smartphone has a 50MP triple rear camera system and a 32MP selfie camera. It also packs a massive 6000mAh battery with 120W fast charging.
The drone platform services segment dominated the global drone services market share in recent years and is estimated to be the fastest growing through 2032. This is due to the growing use of drones ...
FN Media Group News Commentary - The drone platform services segment dominated the global drone services market share in recent years and is estimated to be the fastest growing through 2032. This is ...
Minutes before a deadly Labor Day boat crash in Old Saybrook last summer, one of the three passengers killed shared a Snapchat video of himself seated in the boat and filming the water off the bow.
This is ZenaTech’s second acquisition as part of a larger roll-up strategy to disrupt the land survey industry by accelerating the use of drones for speed, accuracy and innovation benefits. The ...
The charity's inequality policy lead Anna Marriott said: "The global economic system is broken ... Trump supporters who buy his token could end up feeling pretty aggrieved if its price plummets.
President Donald Trump said in his inaugural address that he had “no higher responsibility than to defend our country.” So what did Trump do on his first day in office? He made America weaker and more ...