Affiliate Ram Shankar Siva Kumar and coauthors suggest ways that Microsoft and other tech giants can mitigate the security risks inherent in emerging AI technologies.
对于企业来讲,换标可谓一件大事,但头部自主车企长城汽车却在悄无声息之间将企业LOGO进行更换,这在社交媒体和短视频平台引起网友热议。 我们先来看公布的最新LOGO标识,和原来的LOGO相比,之前是偏立体的银色“烽火台”换成了红色色调的扁平化“烽火台”,既像长城的城墙,也像长城汽车的首字母“W”。
From the outside, Samsung's new S25 mobile phone is simply the latest iteration of the company's long-running line of premium Android smartphones powered by Qualcomm's latest ...
A GitHub survey of open source developers shows the frequent use of AI, a focus on security and a change in the way ...
Latest news and updates on the inauguration of Donald Trump after his election victory. Follow live as the event unfolds in Washington, D.C.
It felt like cyclists are automatically seen as reckless or obnoxious simply because we choose to ride a bike.