SK Hynix is shutting down its CMOS image sensor (CIS) business, fueling industry speculation over whether Samsung Electronics ...
On that day, Kwak held a "Together the THE Communication Event" at SK hynix's Cheongju campus and told employees, "The most important thing to maintain our number one position in the AI flow is ...
Somehow, Xiaomi managed to release a sequel that's even more capable, with a new 200-megapixel periscope sensor that excels at capturing portrait photos, distant subjects, and retaining details in ...
韩媒The Elec报道,SK海力士决定退出CMOS形象传感器(CMOS Image Sensor,简称CIS)业务,并全面专注于AI内存产品。目前负责CIS业务的员工将调往高带宽内存(HBM)团队。 SK海力士在近期与员工的内部沟通活动中表示,AI时代已经到来,公司在AI内存领域取得“重大成果”。目前公司正处于“重大转型”阶段,目标是成为核心AI企业。
SK Hynix Inc. will shutter its image sensor business as the South Korean memory giant doubles down on the development of premium artificial intelligence memory ...
Chip giant SK hynix said Thursday it had decided to withdraw from the image sensor business for smartphones and digital cameras to focus on AI memory in a bid to strengthen its competitiveness as a ...
Chip giant SK hynix Inc. said Thursday it has decided to withdraw from the image sensor business for smartphones and digital ...
ENVEA has developed a new tool to calculate potential cost savings by accurately measuring biogenic CO2 in Waste-to-Energy (WtE).
华尔街见闻从供应链权威渠道获悉,小米刚刚在MWC 2025全球首发的预研技术“小米模块光学系统”手机外设独立镜头,包含了国产CIS(图像传感器:CMOS Image Sensor),供应商是豪威科技。据小米集团董事长兼CEO雷军透露,这颗传感器CMOS面积比1英寸“大一倍”。这是迄今为止,当前业界手机用镜头传感器最大尺寸。(作者 周源) ...
2020年,成为豪威科技关键转折年度:豪威科技首款高端传感器OV48C被小米10至尊纪念版用于主摄,其1/1.32英寸大底、4800万像素和PureCel Plus技术,首次在DXOMARK评测中斩获高分。 小米是豪威高端化最重要的推手,双方合作逻辑路径——小米通过早期技术验证降低供应链风险,豪威则借小米旗舰机型快速迭代产品,形成“技术突破-市场验证-规模量产”的正循环。
Its 45.7-megapixel sensor is still better than many new cameras today, and if you're planning on shooting fast-moving objects, you'll love its ability to shoot at 7FPS (or 9FPS if you use a ...