With the Asian Winter Games kicking off and the "China Travel" trend still going strong, Harbin's streets are now filled with a fair number of foreign visitors. Some have traveled all the way from the ...
在正月初四,家家户户都会准备丰盛的供品,焚香点烛,放鞭炮,以示 恭迎灶王爷的回归 。灶王爷,又称灶神、灶君、灶王爷,是中国古代神话传说中的司饮食之神。按照民间的说法,正月初四灶王爷要查户口,所以家家户户都要守在家里迎接。
Billy and Dom are back on their home turf, ready to see what the American West Coast has to offer. Dom reveals his favourite food spot in the city, the Endorffeine Coffee Bar.