As CarUX Chairman as well as Innolux Chairman and CEO Jim Hung stated, "With the rapid advancements in mobility technologies and AI, the car has evolved from merely transportation to another living ...
Next-gen harmonious user experience that perfectly embodies the fusion of technology, comfort, and freedom CarUX is dedicated to relief the limitations of Display Devices to Vision Solutions by ...
康宁公司和CarUX自豪地宣布Corning® Dynamic Décor™,用于汽车显示和设计的下一代视觉解决方案,荣获了CES 2025国际消费电子展车载娱乐类“最佳创新 ...
This fun logo quiz features five challenging rounds, and includes themed rounds on car logos, food companies and fashion brands. If there’s one thing lockdown taught us, it was that quizzes were a ...
As CarUX Chairman as well as Innolux Chairman and CEO Jim Hung stated,“With the rapid advancements in mobility technologies and AI, the car has evolved from merely transportation to another ...
群创光电旗下CarUX深耕布局智慧车用场域多年,具备Tier1车厂一级供应链的前瞻研发技术与量产能力,以 “More than Display, and Far Beyond” 为发展方向 ...
As CarUX Chairman as well as Innolux Chairman and CEO Jim Hung stated, “With the rapid advancements in mobility technologies and AI, the car has evolved from merely transportation to another living ...