Dr. Laura Marques Martinez: "Chewing solid and fibrous foods exercises the jaws, helping to prevent issues like malocclusion and deficiencies in the size and shape of dental arches." ...
Isotopic analysis of their teeth suggests that they came from many ... Photograph by John Verano The child's skull shows that cinnabar, a red mineral used for ceremonial purposes, had been hastily ...
Bioarcheologists estimate the age of child and subadult skeletons based on the maturation of the skeleton and the development of the teeth ... seen just above the skull in the main image.
Next, how old was the person when they died? As with sex, both the skull and the bones hold clues to this question. The teeth are very useful for determining the age of a child. The stages at which ...
Ultra-processed foods could leave children with buck teeth ... The in-depth study, which tracked eating habits, dental structures and skull shape, found that those who ate softer foods were ...
The latest study looked at the eating habits, skull chapes and teeth of children aged from three to five. Those eating softer foods were more likely to have deformed teeth and lack the spacing ...