The security of the Panama Canal is vital to the U.S. economy and military, leading to concerns over China's presence in the ...
China Western Power Industrial, along with a Singapore-based construction company, signed the agreement with Xekong Thermal Power Plant in Laos to design, supply, and build a 1,800-megawatt clean ...
Laos has entered into a substantial clean energy agreement valued at $1.45 billion with a Chinese power plant equipment ...
Laos has signed a US$1.45 billion clean energy deal with a Chinese power plant equipment manufacturer as the country furthers ...
响应世界结核日,新北市卫生局于今(24)日至5月24日期间配合卫生福利部疾病管制署「举手一起筛 结核说掰掰」潜伏结核感染(LTBI)抽血筛检活动,提供1800位「曾经是接触者」或「自认曾为TB接触者」且未曾筛检的民眾前往29区卫生所,参加价格达3000元的免费LTBI检查。