China Western Power Industrial, along with a Singapore-based construction company, signed the agreement with Xekong Thermal ...
Laos has signed a US$1.45 billion clean energy deal with a Chinese power plant equipment manufacturer as the country furthers ...
响应世界结核日,新北市卫生局于今(24)日至5月24日期间配合卫生福利部疾病管制署「举手一起筛 结核说掰掰」潜伏结核感染(LTBI)抽血筛检活动,提供1800位「曾经是接触者」或「自认曾为TB接触者」且未曾筛检的民眾前往29区卫生所,参加价格达3000元的免费LTBI检查。
3月23日下午,2025澳门国际幻彩大巡游启动,近1800人的巡游团队带着精彩表演从大三巴牌坊前出发,穿越澳门历史城区的旧街老巷,抵达板樟堂前地与市民、旅客近距离互动,巡游队伍途经议事亭前地及南湾湖景大马路,沿途展现独特文化魅力。 参加2025年大巡游的有来自葡萄牙、韩国、摩洛哥、印度等15个国家和地区的23支艺术团队,他们联同近60支澳门艺团为市民与旅客带来一场精彩的文化交流盛宴。 此次大巡游同 ...
Savings accounts have a simple premise, but often come with complex mechanisms for you to earn bonus interest. When you open ...
Adam O’Brien accused his team of trying to play like the Titans in their disappointing and error-riddled 26-6 loss that continued a horror 10-year drought on the Gold Coast.
As a result, tuberculosis has mostly lost the attention of the rich world. Not so for the world's poorer half, where ...
“可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖。”我国全面进入“超深水时代”海洋油气勘探开发,近年来,我国海洋石油工业不断取得突破,油气勘探开发实现了从水深300米到1500米的历史性跨越。海洋油气勘探开发能力的提升,离不开在钻井技术、大型装备、工程建设等方面打造的一批“深海利器”,它们如同一把把打开海底大门的钥匙,解锁一个个深海油气宝藏。 “海经”系统是我国自主研发的海洋地震勘探成套采集装备,由震源控制、拖缆采集 ...
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore announced an agreement on a state budget framework with the state's Democratic leadership Thursday, ...
Accelerated network expansion, asset-light revenue growth, and rising membership and CRS contribution underscore long-term momentum ...
European law firm, Fieldfisher, has launched reproductive and family health platform, Maven, providing everyone in the UK offices with free 24/7 access to reproductive and family health support via an ...