Armagh - St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Christmas Eve at 5pm (Evensong and Blessing of the Crib). Christmas Day Services at 10am (Holy Communion) and 11am, Sung Eucharist. There shall be no ...
Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford Sunday 24th December. Fourth Sunday of Avent. 10.00am Holy Communion. Celebrant Revd Dr. C OD Smyth Communion setting: Martin How Hymns: 124 (tune 285), 142, 145 ...
Mon 23 December 5pm: Carol Service at St Michael’s Christmas Eve 5pm: Crib Service for all the family 11pm: Midnight Mass Christmas Day 8am: Holy Communion 10am: Sung Eucharist ...
Joseph Catholic Church. Trinity Lutheran Church in Arcadia Christmas Eve services on Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. (Family Service with Holy Communion) and 7 p.m. (Candlelight Service with Holy Communion).