不同于Firefox依赖于扩展的模式,Chrome针对开发者推出了更完整的扩展生态,使得开发者优先选择Chrome平台,从而实现了用户的锁定。2017年,Mozilla推出了Firefox Quantum以求翻身,然而用户的习惯早已根深蒂固,转身回归Chrome的速度快得惊人。
快科技3月26日消息,谷歌Chrome浏览器的安装程序出现了问题,许多用户在尝试安装时遇到了“此应用无法在您的电脑上运行”的错误提示。 不过这一错误并非微软故意阻止Chrome的安装,而是谷歌在发布安装程序时出现了失误。 据Windows Latest报道,这一问题的根源在于谷歌错误地为AMD和Intel系统分发了Arm版本的Chrome安装包。 通常情况下,用户在安装Chrome浏览器时,需要访 ...
Google Chrome has surpassed Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) in U.S. Market Share in combined desktop and mobile markets for the first time Chrome's market share is growing 6 percent year-over ...
But their efforts hardly mattered. Internet Explorer was so reviled that Chrome had an open lane down center court. In an ...
Internet Explorer, especially versions 6 through 8, was finicky when displaying websites. A page that rendered correctly ...
That was the case until 2012, when they both were left in the dust by Google’s Chrome. Other competitors, like Safari, Opera, and Edge (a rename of Internet Explorer), had a brief moment in the ...