but this requires that all cilia in a tissue orient the same way. Earlier studies indicated that both planar cell polarity (PCP) signalling and cilia-generated fluid flows could influence ciliary ...
Researchers from the University of New Hampshire looked at the developmental process of the cerebral cortex—the outermost ...
However, again to the scientists’ surprise, the cilia on pancreatic cells deviated from this expected arrangement and had eight outer microtubule doublets and a central microtubule doublet or singlet.
hair-like organelle protruding from the cell surface that transmits cellular signals. Cilia are important for regulating cellular processes, but because of their small size and number, it has been ...
The goblet cells secrete mucin proteins in a matrix composed of water, complex sugars, salts which form the mucus. This matrix is distributed evenly on the surface of the epithelium by the ...
Louis. In her lab at Washington University in St. Louis, endocrinologist Jing Hughes studies a peculiar structure that sticks out of the surfaces of human pancreatic islet cells: the primary cilium.
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have uncovered why some patients with a rare genetic ...