The Worcester City Council voted 9-2 in favor of a resolution that would turn make the area into a sanctuary city for transgender and gender-diverse people.
The Titusville City Council meeting went offline for more than a half-hour Tuesday after protesters shouted down the city’s ...
Marietta City Council held meetings for the Finance, Water, Sewer and Sanitation, Planning, Zoning, Annexation and Housing ...
Minneapolis City Council member Robin Wonsley said she and some of her colleagues have received death threats and there will ...
Public outrage is growing in Titusville after a police-involved shooting that left a man dead, prompting protests at a city ...
The resolution declares that the city won’t cooperate with the federal government on “policies aimed to harm transgender and ...
As the six-month trial period for a 6 p.m. ended, councilmembers decided to move the city council start time back to 2 p.m.