Many people may not be aware of how to wash fruit properly, but a doctor has shared some advice that's left people floored.
Brunswick County residents are teaming up with an international human rights organization to advocate for access to clean water in historically Black neighborhoods.
According to the CoM and Silulumanzi, the dirty water could be caused by a number of things including pipe bursts, ...
Following a report by Kongoi Gborkorquelli of Super Bongese Radio, a local radio station in Gbarnga, on the lack of safe ...
Kumbh water now deemed fit for bathingThe Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has reversed its earlier assessment, now reporting to the ...
Three years after the South African Human Rights Commission's findings, eThekwini Municipality continues to face a severe ...
But when I came across a Texas woman’s harrowing story on Instagram, I realized I was completely ignorant of another risky ...
Fox26's Caroline Collins interviews Rich "Raz" Razgaitis, CEO of FloWater, about his mission to improve water quality in Houston. Known for his work with NBA star Stephen Curry in Flint and Oakland, ...
It's hard to fathom bonuses being awarded from the public purse to people who fail in the most basic duty of providing clean ...
Wednesday, the Maryland Board of Public Works approved $4.3 million in funding for safe drinking water and resiliency against flooding in Wicomico County. $3.4 million of that money will help fund a ...
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and a group of her colleagues are pressing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...