By the time the Spanish Empire reached the Americas, they saw in Tenochtitlan a chance to declare a victory that would rival the conquest of Jerusalem. “The Spaniards had taken by storm the ...
When the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortes arrived in the city of Tenochtitlan ... until the culmination of the conquest in 1521. The first of these was, as already mentioned, Moctezuma ...
Thomas Kole's project aimed to bring Tenochtitlán back to life based on historical and archaeological sources.
The myth tells that Mexico City-Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325 ... almost 300 years after the Spanish conquest. Experts such as William Robertson and William H. Prescot, for example, began ...
By Gwynne Dyer – Friday, 13 August, is the 500th anniversary of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. The capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, fell to the invaders after a long siege ...
The cathedral was built between 1573 and 1813 after the Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlan and is considered one of Mexico City's many must-see attractions. What’s more, the cathedral is one of ...
Taking a principally ethnohistorical and cultural approach, this module examines life in Tenochtitlan on the eve of its shattering conquest by the Spanish invaders whose records are also the principal ...