Melting Antarctic ice is slowing Earth's strongest ocean current, according to a new study. The influx of cold meltwater ...
The phenomenon of hailstorms in Yogyakarta shows that despite Indonesia being a tropical country, extreme weather like this ...
As rates go down, more people should be able to buy a home or refinance their current mortgage. See how home interest rates are trending today and where they might go in the future. Today's ...
However, ocean currents in this area are poorly explored. Observations suggested overturning currents were robust phenomena in winter in this area. Methods: Numerical simulations and experiments were ...
It could happen later, though, he said. The currents have collapsed in the distant past. Still, the computer simulations should be “reassuring" to people, Baker said. “But this is no greenligh ...
No simulation showed a total shutdown before 2100, said lead author Jonathan Baker, an oceanographer at the Met Office. It could happen later, though, he said. The currents have collapsed in the ...