Humorist Jerry Zezima dresses up as a Samoa to help sell Tagalongs, Trefoils, Thin Mints and other Girl Scout cookies.
and most of the 25 cookie samples tested had all five: aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. The Girl Scouts, meanwhile, defended their cookies as safe to eat, and said its products are ...
Looking for some Girl Scout Cookies this weekend? We have the locations where they will be sold. Virginia Skyline Girl Scouts are taking cookie orders and setting up cookie booths around the area.
Girl Scout Cookies are available for purchase in the Virginia Skyline region until March 31st. Cookies can be purchased from local troops, online, or at various booths throughout the area. Proceeds ...
What did the study of Girl Scout cookies and heavy metals find? Moms Across America and GMOScience say they sent 25 cookie samples of 13 different types of Girl Scout cookies from three states ...