According to legend, it was St. Mark who introduced Christianity to Egypt, and it was here that Africa's first Christian church – the Coptic Church of Egypt – thrived. To learn more about ...
KUWAIT CITY, Jan 7: The Egyptian Coptic Church in Kuwait celebrated Christmas in a spirit of joy and reverence at the St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church. The cathedral was filled with the sounds of ...
I would like to acquire the land behind the church and purchase the old St. Mary Elementary School. Our congregation needs a Coptic Catholic School for our children.
A policeman has been killed trying to defuse a bomb outside a Coptic Christian church in Egypt, security officials say. Mustafa Abid was reportedly a specialist in mine clearance. The explosion ...
In the chapel of St Andrew in Westminster Abbey is a white marble tablet, with a profile medallion, to the memory of Thomas Young, physician, physicist, writer and Coptic scholar. The sculptor was Sir ...
This book opens with the lines, "These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke, and the twin, Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down." Then there follows a list of the sayings of Jesus.
Outside of Hippolytus and Origen, the Gospel of Thomas receives a few vague mentions by some church leaders ... texts written on papyrus in the Coptic language. The texts were a collection ...