The Maharashtra industry department Thursday said it has set a target of signing MoUs worth Rs 7 lakh crore at the upcoming annual World Economic Forum meeting (January 20 to 24) at Davos in ...
BOCA CHICA (United States) - Seventh test flight of SpaceX's Starship, the world's largest rocket (2200 GMT) VIDEO. PICTURE. LIVE VIDEO. PODGORICA (Montenegro) - Students protest following the mass ...
The best cheap e-bikes make for a budget-friendly alternative to the best electric bikes, which are brilliant but also expensive. So if you want an electric bike that won't break the bank, you've ...
As has been the case since 2018, we are partnering with the World Economic Forum to mark the annual gathering of world leaders in Davos, Switzerland; this year, the resulting special issue was ...
What do you hope people take away from Davos? That we have tried to identify areas where there is enough self-interest to collaborate, like cybercrime or being better prepared for future pandemics.
More than 60 global heads of state and 1,600 global business leaders are due to attend the WEF meeting in the Swiss resort of Davos next week to look for collaborative ways to address world problems.
It’s that time of the year again: from January 20 to 24, the world’s business and political elite is headed to Davos, Switzerland for the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. But what ...