Students in the Forest Ecosystem Science program are drawn to natural and managed ... whether that means branching out to see the big picture or digging deep into specializations with a minor. Gain ...
It is commonly assumed that as forest ecosystems age, they accumulate and store (sequester) more carbon. A study based at the ...
KTU researchers are proposing an innovative forest regeneration model and a sound analysis system that can predict forest ...
Fire is a natural, vital component of most western forest ecosystems. In dry forest types like ponderosa pine, fire was historically present as a frequent, low-intensity disturbance. Fire is necessary ...
Although she prefers to monitor ecosystems from a distance, Retamosa still has to go deep into the forest to set up recorders. Visits to the field are fascinating, but never a Sunday stroll.
The Forest Ecosystem Science degree is based on a vision that combines professional competency in forest management skills with an enhanced understanding of ecological sciences. Students interested in ...