However, there are expenses associated with rapid urbanization, such as increased traffic congestion, the loss of green space, and environmental harm. The present issue is to maintain Cebu’s growth ...
Pakistan is a forest-poor country, with only five percent of the total area under forests. Most of the land falls under arid ...
On this World Water Day 2025, the AbibiNsroma Foundation emphasises the urgent need to address the critical challenges posed ...
A hard-fought environmental battle has finally paid off recently as the Palawan provincial government officially approved ...
Phuntsok Tobgyal, the UN Advocacy Officer at the Office of Tibet in Geneva, raised serious concerns about the environmental and social impacts of China's proposed Metok Dam during the 58th session of ...
Because of their importance to life on Earth, forests have gained the nickname "lungs of the planet" for their role in ...
This year’s international message calls on the global community to fully recognise the immense potential of forests and the ...
As coffee prices continue to soar and we examine the destructive nature of coffee farming, coffee alternatives flood the ...
Deforestation is occurring around the ancient Lake Poso due to oil palm plantations, mining, and farm expansion.
The lack of regulation of imported goods to the UK helped destroy an area of global forest equivalent in size to Cardiff, ...
New Global Witness analysis shows deforestation linked to UK imports is continuing to rage on amid regulatory delays ...
Forests play a vital role in sustaining life on Earth. Tomorrow, March 21, the world observes the International Day of ...