(纽约26日讯)面对AI产业竞逐激烈,美国PC大厂戴尔(Dell)持续内部重组,25日宣布将于2025年度裁减公司10%人力。综合媒体报导,戴尔在周二在年报指出,2025会计年度完成员工精简计划后,公司员工规模将从前一年度的12万人减少至10.8万人 ...
New York makes a move to get its quarterback of the future, while the Eagles stop a receiver's draft-day slide ...
Unlike its big tech rivals, Apple (AAPL) initially avoided the costly rush into AI data centers, opting to avoid massive capital expenditures.
New York makes a move to get its quarterback of the future, while the Eagles stop a receiver's draft-day slide ...