Thousands of years ago, the Sahara Desert was not a dry land; it had rivers, lakes, and lush grasslands. This period is known ...
Sometimes words fall hopelessly short. This might explain the silences between the two botanists as their vehicle crunches ...
Chinguetti, Mauritania is home to some of West Africa’s oldest Quranic texts and manuscripts. It could soon be swallowed by the sand.
An ambitious and bold project looks to help desertification in Africa and to combat African nations from being swallowed up by the Sahara Desert.
Residents, seemingly resigned to their fate, speak of the desert as an inevitable destiny ... mosques and libraries store some of West Africa’s oldest Quranic texts and manuscripts, covering ...
This battle can be won’: desert expert reveals how China’s technology, funding and strategies aid ambitious environmental project.
USUALLY the soil is regarded as something particularly stable, but this stability is almost wholly due to its normal covering of vegetation. There is always a danger that if the cover of ...
Environmental experts, policymakers, and development organisations have come together in Tamale to chart a new path for restoring degraded lands and improving livelihoods in communities affected by ...
The mini-grids will assist Eritrea in increasing electrification rates and help in its 2030 renewable energy push ...