Maryland leaders want to ban a range of firearms to reduce gun violence. Many handguns, including some Glock pistols, can be converted from semi-automatic, to fully automatic weapons by the use of ...
《刺客信条:影》现已在新加坡获得评级。根据官网发布的文章,本作在新加坡为M18级,主要是有暴力、性暗示相关内容。 玩家可在弥助和奈绪江两位主角之间切换,他们都有专属的技能、武器和战斗风格。玩家能使用的武器包括长刀、薙刀、弓、鬼金棒、手里 ...
A new crop of retailers is profiting more from limited-edition accessories that sell out in minutes, and promoting lifestyle gear to women, minority gun owners and the L.G.B.T.Q. community.
If you’re wondering how to shoot a pistol accurately, you’re not alone. Handguns are the most difficult firearms to master. They’ve got short barrels, compact sight radiuses, and the guns themselves ...
The Washington organization designed to “establish standards and provide training to criminal justice professionals” has banned the use of a semi-automatic pistol because of safety issues.