As we age, we remember some good times when nothing could stand in our way. And now, the years have come, and with them, some new problems. Joint pain, balance ...
Kenya Re-insurance Corporation Limited (Kenya Re) has donated 73 mobility and assistive devices to support police officers ...
The ADA defines wheelchairs as “a manually-operated or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or of both indoor ...
The DOT's Biden-era rule protecting travelers with mobility devices is being brought to court by major U.S. airlines.
Several major airlines, including Delta, are challenging part of a new rule for disabled travelers ... responsible for lost or damaged mobility devices, including scooters, walkers and wheelchairs.
and United—have joined an airline trade association lawsuit to overturn a Department of Transportation rule that forces airlines to treat wheelchair users and their mobility devices with dignity.
Wheelchair damage: Airlines damage thousands of mobility aids every year. Here's how 30+ flyers were affected. While all three passengers acknowledged they got their wheelchairs back undamaged ...
Spinal deformities, muscle contractures and pressure sores are just a few of the increasing complications facing individuals ...
"Progress has been made in four key areas aimed at improving the travel experience for passengers with mobility aids — reducing instances of wheelchair mishandling, advancing employee training ...