Any taller and it'd look less like a ute and more like a truck... which may be good news to those who miss the Dakota, but in its present form, it looks more like a revival of the Rampage than ...
Like many automakers, Dodge evolved from being a machine shop that supplied parts and assemblies in the early 1900s to a fully-fledged automaker. The Dodge brothers started building cars in 1914 ...
Dodge Power wagon is listed for auction with no reserve but hopes it could get as much as a quarter of a million dollars.
HAMPTON, Ga. — Dodge is eying a return to the NASCAR Truck Series as soon as the 2026 season, with the manufacturer having already begun the process to gain NASCAR’s formal approval to join ...
The 2012 Dodge Caliber is squarely in the small car category, offered as a 5-door hatchback. With bold styling and a new trim lineup, the Caliber combines a sporty coupe-like profile with the ...