研究人员开展关于动物失用症的研究,发现背、腹侧纹状体作用,探讨其在药物筛选等方面意义。 本文展示了背侧纹状体(dorsal striatum)和腹侧纹状体(ventral striatum)参与构建动物不同类型失用症(apraxia)模型的实验证据。分析了隐式学习(implicit learning ...
We're all familiar with Pavlovian conditioning, in which a reward-anticipatory behavior follows a reward-predicting stimulus.
This study highlights the roles of two key brain regions: Dorsal striatum: The movement centre This part of the brain is primarily involved in motor control and habit formation. It plays a crucial ...
He does note that the urge to move has been linked to the dorsal striatum, a part of the brain that is linked to motor functions, while pleasure is more associated with the ventral striatum ...