If you've ever reached for a bag of your favorite dried fruit only to realize later that you picked up freeze-dried instead, ...
For the best shelf life, store freeze-dried fruit in a glass jar or airtight container away from moisture. Unopened, it can last up to 30 years. Once opened, it remains fresh for up to a year.
Check the sell-by date and buy dried fruit that has been sprayed with vegetable oil, not mineral oil. It is usually cheaper to buy individual dried fruits if you cook regularly. Dried fruit is ...
Fruit cakes made solely from dried fruit will keep for several weeks and up to a month; fruit cakes containing both dried and fresh fruit will go mouldy more quickly. Fruit cakes that have been ...
Chewy pieces of dried fruit. Dried Fruit is an Artisan Good found in Stardew Valley. Chewy pieces of dried fruit. Artisan Goods are a type of item you can craft or gather using specialized tools ...
A piece of indescribably delicious dried fruit that restores a fair amount of Health when consumed. Made by combining rare ingredients. 500 Powered by Nomad's Dried Fruit is a Curatives item in ...