The negotiators hired by the conferences — the Pac-12 has retained Octagon; the Mountain West is using Endeavor — will use ...
作为北美最大最全的体育版权持有者之一,ESPN正计划放弃一些大型体育联盟的媒体版权。综合SBJ、SportsPro、TA等多个权威媒体的报道,这包括三项赛事,分别是MLB、F1以及大学生区域赛事Pac-12联盟。其中最重大的决定或许是与MLB的分道扬 ...
The Mountain West said Thursday it has agreed to enter mediation with the Pac-12, along with Boise State ... a source told ESPN that, as of Wednesday evening, it was an informal agreement.
a source told ESPN that, as of Wednesday evening, it was an informal agreement. The Mountain West initiated the talks, a source said. In September, the Pac-12 filed a lawsuit in federal court ...
The settlement has sweeping implications for the future of college sports once media deal expire in the 2030s.
Here's everything you need to know about the 2025 BIG 12 tournament.