During Australia's winter sports seasons, hundreds of thousands of children will take to the field in contact sports like ...
Concussed college athletes may experience lasting brain changes, including reduced blood flow, up to a year after returning ...
Derrick Allred, MD, discusses if a concussion could be the cause. One in 60 people in the U.S. lives with a traumatic brain injury related disability. Here, we discuss the long-term effects of living ...
Concussion damage could linger in an athlete's brain for at least a year, long after they've rejoined their sport, a new ...
Research shows that brain changes in college athletes can persist for up to a year after a concussion, even after they are ...
For college athletes with concussion, brain changes may remain visible in brain scans up to a year after they are cleared to return to play, according to a new study.
Compared to kids who slept fewer than five hours a day, those who slept five to eight hours a day experienced earlier resolution of their concussion symptoms, results show. What's more, the optimal ...
For athletes with concussion, persistent postconcussion changes are seen in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and white matter at ...
Once these symptoms have subsided and patients begin to resume their regular activities, they also may experience often-overlooked, underlying effects of concussion — persistent ringing in their ...
There are limited therapeutic options for patients with persistent postconcussive symptoms (PPCSs). Most PPCS assessments focus on subjective measures of progression and symptom monitoring. While ...