the goddess of the hunt and the moon. Geb was the Egyptian god of the earth. He, along with his sister Nut, was part of the second generation of the Ennead, or the group of nine gods in Heliopolis.
Archaeologists have discovered the large limestone burial chamber of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh near the city ...
Buried for over 2,500 years, a collection of intricately crafted jewelry from the Dynasty 26 has resurfaced at Karnak Temple.
Archaeologists have found a hoard of 2,600-year-old jewelry at Karnak Temple in Egypt. Archaeologists in Egypt have ...
the head of the Egyptian Archaeology Sector. The triple statuette depicted the chief god of Thebes, Amun, his wife and mother goddess Mut, and their son and Moon god Khonsu standing beside each other.
Now, for the second time in what is already proving to be a landmark year for the study of ancient Egypt, archaeologists ... of the entrance reference the goddesses Isis and Nephthys, but the ...
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a 2,600-year-old pot containing gold jewellery and statuettes of a family of ancient ...