All of the ESP32 GPIO pins are terminated on a GPIO header, with jumper options to disable terminations to the standard interfaces and instead route them to the GPIO header as needed. Additionally ...
3. 低功耗与能效优化 通过集成ULP低功耗协处理器,ESP32-S2可在待机模式下以微安级电流运行,显著延长电池供电设备的续航时间。例如,智能穿戴设备与无线传感器节点可依靠此特性实现长达数月的连续工作。 4. 丰富的硬件接口与扩展性 芯片提供43个可编程GPIO ...
The ESP32 is a microcontroller that provides an API for Bluetooth A2DP which can be used to receive sound data e.g. from your Mobile Phone and makes it available via a callback method. The output is a ...
Pac-Man for LandTiger Board is a Pac-Man game implementation for the LandTiger development board (ARM Cortex-M3). It features joystick controls, AI-controlled ghosts, sound effects, CAN bus ...