In the last ten years, at least 15 species have officially checked out, never to be seen again. It's ironic to think how ...
Millions of animals are at risk, but what are the rarest animals in the world? These are some of the most endangered animals, ...
As unbelievable as it may seem, woolly mammoths are potentially returning to our planet. According to an article from The ...
The IUCN warns that over 400 fungi species face extinction due to deforestation, pollution, and climate change.
Animals have long navigated nature’s challenges, but mountain roads bring a fresh level of peril. These paved strips stretch deeper into wild corners, cutting across habitats once safely out of reach.
When the climate began to warm toward the end of the last Ice Age, some of the large mammals that Neanderthals depended on went extinct. The lack of food then had a knock-on effect on the Neanderthal ...
The team launched the research project in 2019 and collected more than 70,000 data points over four years. Scientists stunned ...
Among the insect pollinators, extinction risks were highest with bees. Out of 472 species of bees studied in Canada and the U ...
Scientists don't call it the "Great Dying" for nothing. About 252 million years ago, upward of 80% of all marine species ...
As the 10th annual Great British Spring Clean kicks off today, Mirror readers are urged to pick up litter in order to protect ...
Danny, who works at Clifton Lodge Vets in Hartlepool, Billingham, Peterlee and Sedgefield, grew up in Bloemfontein. He says ...